Description of School

This School is a 21st-century version of school. It was conceived to be a perfectly single-unit institution accommodating all the aspirations a child can ever have. It can also be termed an all-weather school where every activity imaginable can be performed under one roof. As far security aspects of the students is concerned whole of the school is lockable at one go. School assembly, which is one of the most essential activities in a school, can be held all year round because of the covered roof and wonderful acoustics being in place. The finest imaginable ramps with the desired gradient are in place to go from zero level to the top. All desirable games can be played under one roof and in a cool and cozy environment. As far as the fire-safety aspect is concerned most efficient hydrant network has been made to touch every nook and corner of the school. All the facilities which make any institution coveted are available at a perfectly affordable fee. Such a school has been created with enormous cost and great vision by the management in a rural setting. All this has been done to uplift the rural generations so that the rural students can easily match their urban counterparts in their attainments and lack nothing desirable.  As far as the level of studies is concerned students are made to achieve the desired high level with their interactive method of teaching.


Dasmesh Public School is founded on the principle of “Respect” where we strive to nurture intrinsically motivated, collaborative learners who listen, question, challenge and probe the world around them. They are taught to take ownership of their learning which aids them in becoming responsible, global citizens. We aim at creating an educational environment that motivates all students to enhance their abilities, interests, and talents to the fullest.



The mission of Dasmesh Public School is to provide a qualitatively superior learning environment that grooms fervor for intellectual curiosity, independence, and innovation encourages risk-taking, and is committed to a legacy of academic excellence and social responsibility.

The school focuses on academics with appropriate co-curricular experiences in tandem, which develops academically brilliant students well equipped with life skills to navigate the world successfully. A true Dasmeshian will always endeavor to do his / her country proud.


We go by the following verse :
“Awal Allah noorupaya;
Kudratke sab bandey;
Ek nor te sab sat jag upgaya;